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Call for papers for a special issue on The History of Mining: Economy, Society, Culture

The high-impact journal Acta Histriae invites researchers from the fields of social sciences and
humanities to submit their papers, which will be published in 2025, as diamond open-access articles.
We welcome all papers presenting new findings on the topics addressed in this special issue.

This thematic issue of Acta Histriae aims to address legal, social, and economic aspects of
mining and mining regions: 1) How mining shaped societal structures and cultural practices; 2) what
kind of impact mining had on community development; 3) what was the role of immigration and how
it affected mining regions and towns; 4) how did cultural transfers reflect in mining regions; 5) what
are the opportunities for interdisciplinary research, such as sociology, social and cultural history,
archaeology, ethnography and literary history; 5) gender roles, especially the role of women and their
narratives; 6) perceptions in historical narratives.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
i) the impact on societies, economies, and legal systems;
ii) societal structures and cultural practices;
iii) identity, labour relations and power dynamics;
iv) immigration;
v) interdisciplinary approaches;
vi) gender roles.
If you are interested to publish with us, please submit your abstracts (300 characters) by 01/12/2024 to with only ‘Mining History’ and your full name in the email subject.
The abstracts will first undergo editorial review and those accepted will be invited to be published
as journal papers, with the deadline being 01/06/2025. All accepted papers will undergo thorough
double-blind peer-review, therefore editorial acceptance and submission alone do not guarantee
publication. We accept papers in English, Italian, Slovenian, and most other South Slavic languages:
Bosniak, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian (Latin script only).
Papers have to adhere to submission guidelines, see here.
humanities to submit their papers, which will be published in 2025, as diamond open-access articles.
We welcome all papers presenting new findings on the topics addressed in this special issue.

This thematic issue of Acta Histriae aims to address legal, social, and economic aspects of
mining and mining regions: 1) How mining shaped societal structures and cultural practices; 2) what
kind of impact mining had on community development; 3) what was the role of immigration and how
it affected mining regions and towns; 4) how did cultural transfers reflect in mining regions; 5) what
are the opportunities for interdisciplinary research, such as sociology, social and cultural history,
archaeology, ethnography and literary history; 5) gender roles, especially the role of women and their
narratives; 6) perceptions in historical narratives.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
i) the impact on societies, economies, and legal systems;
ii) societal structures and cultural practices;
iii) identity, labour relations and power dynamics;
iv) immigration;
v) interdisciplinary approaches;
vi) gender roles.
If you are interested to publish with us, please submit your abstracts (300 characters) by 01/12/2024 to with only ‘Mining History’ and your full name in the email subject.
The abstracts will first undergo editorial review and those accepted will be invited to be published
as journal papers, with the deadline being 01/06/2025. All accepted papers will undergo thorough
double-blind peer-review, therefore editorial acceptance and submission alone do not guarantee
publication. We accept papers in English, Italian, Slovenian, and most other South Slavic languages:
Bosniak, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian (Latin script only).
Papers have to adhere to submission guidelines, see here.
Polona Tratnik: V deželi pravljic. K družbenim funkcijam pravljičnih narativov
Todor Kuljić: Tito. Sociološko-zgodovinska študija
Tito. Sociološko-zgodovinska študija
ISBN: 978-961-6732-65-9

Študija v širšem historično-sociološkem kontekstu obravnava politično delo in funkcijo Josipa Broza – Tita. Od širše perspektive, ki zajema Titovo politično kulturo in avtoritarni režim, ki se je oblikoval v duhu časa, se perspektiva zoži na obdobje pred prevzemom oblasti (1937–1945) in s tem torej obdobje formacije njegove vladavine. V nadaljevanju je nato obravnavana njegova politična kultura, kar se nato nadgradi v razumevanje njegove nacionalne politike in nazadnje zunanje politike. Prav tako se avtor študije s kritičnim pristopom posveča izgradnji kulta osebnosti in Titovi karizmi, ki je privedla do iracionalnega odnosa do jugoslovanskega vodje, ki je bil povzdignjen v nezmotljivega posameznika, kar je ustvarilo iluzijo o njegovi vlogi odrešenika. Dalje avtor analizira odnos, ki so ga do Tita imeli jugoslovanski intelektualci, pri čemer so obravnavani glavni vzorci. Pričujoče delo se torej posveča zapostavljeni plati jugoslovanskega socializma: njegovi umeščenosti v dolgotrajne zgodovinske procese, pomenu Tita in temeljnim značilnostim politične kulture. V prvem planu torej niso dogodki, temveč procesi. Čeprav je Titova današnja podoba odvisna od prostora, kjer se interpretacija formira, študija dobro kaže na to, kako je ta podoba tudi časovno odvisna in se neprestano spreminja. Ne nazadnje je ta že precej različna od tiste iz leta 1998, ko je študija prvič izšla. Zato, kot ugotavlja tudi avtor, bo vsebina te knjige danes nujno drugače sprejeta v skupnosti in spominski kulturi nove generacije, za katere je Tito samo simbol preteklosti in nanj nimajo osebnih spominov. V slovenskem prostoru bo zato prav gotovo dobrodošel doprinos k dosedanjim objavam glede Titove zgodovine in biografije, saj ga razumeva v širšem družbenem kontekstu časa in prostora.
Vabilo na predstavitev znanstvenih revij Annales in Acta Histriae, izdanih v letu 2023

Vljudno vabljeni na predstavitev znanstvenih revij, Annales in Acta Histriae
ki bo v ponedeljek, 25. marca 2024 ob 12.00 uri
na sedežu Morske biološke postaje Piran Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo,
na naslovu: Fornače 41, Piran.
Predstavili vam bomo:
- ANNALES : Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series Historia Naturalis, 2023, 1-2,
- ACTA HISTRIAE, 2023, 1-4,
- ANNALES : Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series Historia et Sociologia, 2023, 1-4.
Več o programu lahko preberete v uradnem vabilu v slovenskem in italijanskem jeziku.
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