Call for papers for a special issue on The History of Mining: Economy, Society, Culture

The high-impact journal Acta Histriae invites researchers from the fields of social sciences and humanities to submit their papers, which will be published in 2025, as diamond open-access articles. We welcome all papers presenting new findings on the topics addressed in this special issue.   This thematic issue of Acta Histriae aims to address legal, social, and economic aspects of mining and mining regions: 1) How mining shaped societal structures and cultural practices; 2) what kind of impact mining had on community development; 3) what was the role of immigration and how ...

Invitation to the presentation of scientific journals Annales and Acta Histriae, published in 2023

We kindly invite you to the presentation of the scientific journals, Annales and Acta Histriae which will take place on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 12.00 pm  at the headquarters of the Piran Marine Biological Station of the National Institute of Biology, at the address: Fornače 41, Piran. We will present: ANNALES : Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean studies. Series Historia Naturalis, 2023, 1-2, ACTA HISTRIAE, 2023, 1-4, ANNALES : Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean studies. Series Historia et Sociologia, 2023, 1-4. You can read more about the programme in the official i...

Urška Lampe: Deportacije iz Julijske krajine v Jugoslavijo, 1945–1954: diplomatski in socialni vidiki

Annales Press has published a scientific monograph (e-book) by Urška Lampa entitled: Deportacije iz Julijske krajine v Jugoslavijo, 1945–1954: diplomatski in socialni vidiki. The scientific monograph highlights the most relevant aspects of the problem of deportations from the Venezia Giulia region to Yugoslavia after the Second World War. It integrates diplomatic and social history, using the latest methodological approaches and analyses, based on a rich corpus of sources. From this perspective, the topic is relevant not only for the Slovene-Italian context, where the problem is situated, but ...